Fund name changes NN to GS
I have placed an order in an NN-fund, but the order confirmation states a Goldman Sachs fund
As a result of the name change of the NN-funds to Goldman Sachs funds it is possible you placed your order in an NN-fund, but the order confirmation states a Goldman Sachs fund. This is the direct result of the administrative name change of the funds. It is purely a change of the name; the other characteristics of the fund (such as the ISIN-code) have not been affected. In most cases this will mean replacing “NN (L)” or “NN” with “Goldman Sachs”. A complete overview of the fund name changes is in the appendix.
The NN-funds have disappeared from my transaction overview. How is this possible?
As a result of the name change of NN-funds to Goldman Sachs funds in the administration the names of the funds have been changed. As as result also historical transactions are shown under the new name. This is purely an administrative change, the other characteristics of the fund (such as the ISIN-code) remain unchanged. For more information on the change of the fund names we refer you to this article. The correspondence you received with your earlier orders will show the old fund name.
Will the investment policy be affected by these mergers?
No, the investment policy will not change.
Will there be a change in the management fee?
No, as a consequence of rebranding the management fee will not change.
When will the renaming take place?
Subject to approval of the relevant institutions and under the condition there will be enough shareholders of the corporate fund to approve accordingly we expect the name change for the majority of the funds effective 6 March 2023.
Are there impacts on the track record and rating, according to the relevant data by the providers (such as Bloomberg, Morningstar, Lipper) and on fund factsheets?
No, as a consequence of rebranding there will be no impact on the track record and rating.
Will there be a change of ISIN codes?
No ,the ISIN codes of the funds will not change.
Are there any extra costs involved?
As a consequence of rebranding no extra costs will be charged to the subfunds.
I have placed an order in an NN-fund, but the order confirmation states a Goldman Sachs fund
Investors ABC
A share represents a small piece of a company. The holder of a share is normally entitled to a small portion of the company’s earnings, called dividend. He also has the right to vote at the general meeting of the company and therefore has a small amount of control over the company.
Equity investment fund
An investment fund that exclusively invests the deposited funds in shares.
Management fee
These costs are charged for managing your assets. The displayed costs are the cost per year and are calculated in the price on a daily basis.
Investing money in shares or other assets, with the aim of selling them again in the future at a profit.
Investment fund
An investment fund collects money from several investors and invests this on their behalf and in accordance with agreed conditions in financial securities (such as shares, bonds or commodities) or objects (such as real estate or gold). Advantages for the participant are a relatively low minimum deposit and the benefit from risk diversification and the manager’s investment expertise. A management fee is charged for the management of the investment fund.
Investment portfolio
Your total investment holdings.
Stock exchange
The place where securities (such as shares and bonds), currencies and commodities are traded. The Dutch stock exchange is situated in Amsterdam.
Custody fee
The fees charged by the investment advisor, asset manager or broker for the custody of securities on the investment account.
Third pillar
The third pillar is voluntary and includes all income and savings provisions that people make themselves in order to accrue a supplement to pension or for other reasons.
The profit that a company distributes to shareholders. Dividend is often distributed once a year. Some companies do this twice or even four times. The amount of the dividend depends on the operating profit.
Briefly put, securities are shares, bonds and similar instruments, such as equity investments or units of participation in, for example, a limited partnership or a real estate fund. A characteristic of shares is that the holder is joint owner of the company that issues the shares. This also applies to equity investments comparable with shares, such as units of participation. Bonds, however, are debts. The person who buys a bond, lends money to the company that issues them. A prospectus must be approved in order to offer securities and be listed on a stock exchange.
Issue is understood to mean: the issue of new shares or bonds by a company. A company offers securities to finance its business with the proceeds. These securities can also be listed on a stock exchange. In both cases, the company is obliged to produce a prospectus with information about the securities and about the company itself. The AFM (Autoriteit Financiële Markten – Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets) checks whether the prospectus contains all the important information that an investor needs to be able to form a proper judgement about the company that issues securities, the securities themselves and the associated risks. A company may only offer securities to investors or be listed on the stock exchange if the AFM has approved the prospectus. In the ‘approved prospectuses’ register on the AFM website you can see if a prospectus has been approved by the AFM. Securities are often offered by banks, which do this on behalf of the company, or by the company itself. Banks also offer investment products in the form of securities, such as structured products.
Financial profile
A description of the financial knowledge and characteristics of an investor.
Money market fund
A money market fund:
• Consists of short-term loans (bonds, high quality)
• Is an alternative to cash -
Convenience funds
Our Convenience funds consist of several award-winning mix funds; these are carefully selected portfolios with the fund manager taking most of the work off your hands so there is relatively little for you to worry about. Depending upon your risk appetite, your investment horizon and the return that you aim to achieve, you can choose from five different Mix funds. The fund costs vary from 0.50% to 0.70%. You can already start investing with a deposit of € 25.00.
Initial fees
Costs that are charged once-only at the start of the service. These are, for example, costs related to the provision of advice or the building of an investment portfolio.
ISIN code
ISIN stands for International Securities Identification Number. This is a code that uniquely identifies a tradable financial asset (securities) worldwide.
The price at which an investment product, such as a share or an investment fund, is traded on the stock exchange.
An annuity is a supplement to your income. Annuity is understood to mean an entitlement to periodic payments. These are evenly distributed over time in instalments that do not differ from one another in amount. An annuity is periodic if at least two payments are made. An annuity is uniform if, for example, payments are made monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually.
Local funds
Shares that are only listed on one stock exchange. This usually concerns smaller companies.
Ongoing charges
The ‘ongoing charges’ of investment funds indicate the costs that will be withdrawn from the fund during the period of one year and are included in the Key Investor Information Document, for example.
A stock exchange indicator that is based on the 25 funds which, after the AEX funds, represent the largest market capitalisation on the Amsterdam stock exchange. This index is also known as the AMX.
Mix fund
An investment fund that invests in shares, bonds and real estate shares.
Net annuity
Net annuity as referred to in the Income Tax Act 2001 (Wet inkomstenbelasting 2001) or legislation taking its place. Net annuity is a Box 3 annuity with a Box 3 exemption. The benefits are tax-free. The contributions are not tax deductible.
Nominal value
The issue value that is stated on the share. With a bond it is the amount of the debt.
A loan to a company or other enterprise, also referred to as a corporate bond. This company or enterprise pays interest each year. A bond has a fixed maturity. At the end of this, the total loan amount is repaid. Bonds are generally seen as less risky than shares.
Bond fund
An investment fund that only invests in bonds.
Return of an investment over a certain period.
Return calculator
A model that calculates the possible long-term capital accumulation on the basis of the expected return.
The return that is realised after the sale of an investment.
Risk appetite
The degree of risk that an investor is willing to accept. The risk appetite increases in three steps from cautious via neutral to adventurous.
Closing price
The last price at which securities are traded during a business day.
Government bond
A government bond is a state debt instrument. Your remuneration comprises a fixed rate that is usually paid annually. In the Netherlands, these bonds are marketed by the Agency of the Ministry of Finance, based in The Hague. This Agency attracts long-term and short-term loans to cover the government’s borrowing requirement. The Agency issues long-term government bonds on the open capital market several times a year. Investors can then subscribe to them.
Switch buy
The sale of the switch order placed by you. The proceeds will then be reinvested in the fund desired by you (switch buy). -
Switch order
Order to sell a fund and to reinvest the proceeds in another fund chosen by you.
Switch sale
The fund desired by you is bought with the proceeds of the fund from your switch sale.
Totale kosten
De totale kosten van een beleggingsfonds zijn de kosten die gedurende het jaar aan het fonds worden onttrokken. Meer informatie over deze kosten vindt u op de fondsdetailpagina’s.
Transaction costs
Costs charged by the investment advisor, asset manager or broker for performing transactions.
Transaction costs in the fund
Transaction costs as a result of transactions performed in the fund by the fund manager which are not related to entering or exiting the fund. These costs are not included in the ‘running costs’.
Second pillar
The second pillar is the supplementary pension, also referred to as pension.
Capital calculator
A model showing the possible capital accumulation on the basis of the risk profile, the investment and the time horizon.
Capital dashboard
An overview showing how capital accumulation is aligned to the financial profile, risk appetite and investment objective.
Investment yield tax
The income tax on taxable income from savings and investments. This tax is also referred to as the Box 3 tax.
The tax authorities assume that you achieve a return of 4 percent on the capital in Box 3. Tax is then levied at 30 percent on this. This equates to a rate of 1.2 percent capital yield tax. Even if you obtain a return of less than 4 percent in reality, you still pay 1.2 percent capital yield tax.
Investor compensation scheme
What is the investor compensation scheme?
The investor compensation scheme is a protection scheme (safety net) that private individuals and ‘small’ companies can fall back on up to an amount of € 20.000 when a bank, investment firm or financial institution is no longer able to meet its payment obligations.
Is FitVermogen covered by the investor compensation scheme?
Yes, FitVermogen is covered by this.
Am I protected by the investor compensation scheme?
If you have a FitVermogen account, you are in principle protected by the investor compensation scheme up to an amount of € 20.000.
What amount is guaranteed by the investor compensation scheme?
You can receive maximum compensation of € 20,000.
Is investment loss included in the investor compensation scheme?
No, the loss that you have incurred on your investments will not be compensated.
To whom can I submit my claim?
You can submit your claim to the DNB (De Nederlandsche Bank – the Dutch central bank). The DNB implements the investor compensation scheme. For more information, please contact the DNB. The DNB Information Desk can be reached via email (info@dnb.nl) and by telephone on working days from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., tel. 0800 - 020 1068 (free).
I have other questions
You can read more about the investor compensation scheme on the websites of the DNB (De Nederlandsche Bank – the Dutch central bank) and the AFM (Autoriteit Financiële Markten – Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets). An explanation on the DNB website can be found here. An explanation on the AFM website can be found here.
What is the investor compensation scheme?
How can I reach FitVermogen?
FitVermogen can be reached via:
• (070) 379 19 19
• info@fitvermogen.nl
• Antwoordnummer 21, 2509 VB The Hague -
When can FitVermogen be reached by telephone?
You can reach us by telephone on 070 - 379 19 19
• from Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. -
Can FitVermogen be reached by phone during holidays?
Op onderstaande dagen is FitVermogen telefonisch niet of beperkt bereikbaar.
Datum / Date Feestdag / Holiday Euronext (NL) Luxembourg Stock
Exchange (LUX)Fitvermogen
Maandag / Monday 01-01-2024 Nieuwjaarsdag / New Year’s Day X X X Vrijdag / Friday 29-03-2024 Goede Vrijdag / Good Friday X X Maandag / Monday 01-04-2024 2e Paasdag / Easter Monday X X X Woensdag / Wednesday 01-05-2024 Dag van de Arbeid / Labourday X X Donderdag / Thursday 09-05-2024 Hemelvaartsdag / Ascension Day X Maandag / Monday 20-05-2024 2e Pinksterdag / Whit Monday X Dinsdag / Tuesday 24-12-2024 Kerstavond / Christmas Eve o o o Woensdag / Wednesday 25-12-2024 1e Kerstdag / Christmas Day X X X Donderdag / Thursday 26-12-2024 2e Kerstdag / Boxing Day X X X Dinsdag / Tuesday 31-12-2024 Oudjaar / New Year's Eve o o o Woensdag / Wednesday 01-01-2025 Nieuwjaarsdag / New Years day X X X -
When can I expect a response to my outstanding questions?
We do our best to process your question, received by telephone or email, within one working day. If this is not possible, you will receive a written acknowledgment within two working days. We will then immediately let you know how long it will take for us to respond to your question.
How can I report complaints?
Customer satisfaction is very important to us. If you are dissatisfied, please let us know. You can submit your complaint via info@fitvermogen.nl or by telephone via (070) 379 19 19.
To enable us to help you as much as possible, please:
• State your personal and contact details;
• State what your complaint relates to:
• transactions
• website
• administration
• service and accessibility
• other
• Describe your complaint;
• Indicate when your complaint arose;
• Indicate which solution you would like to see. -
When can I expect a response to my complaints?
We do our best to process your complaint within ten working days. This is not always possible in complex cases. We will then immediately let you know how long it will take for us to respond to your complaint. It is possible that we will call you in that period to obtain more information about your complaint or to discuss a solution with you.
Not satisfied?
Are you – despite our efforts – dissatisfied with the resolution of your complaint? In that case, within three months of the handling of your complaint by FitVermogen, you can contact the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid). You must fill in a complaint form for this. You can download this complaint form from www.kifid.nl/overkifid/klachtenformulieren. The completed form, including attachments, can be sent to:
Postbus 93257
2509 AG The Hague
For information about the Kifid procedure, please refer to www.kifid.nl.
You can also submit your complaint to the competent civil court. It is then in principle no longer possible to submit your complaint to the Kifid.
How can I reach FitVermogen?
Dividend Goldman Sachs Investment Funds
- Where can I find a statement on Fitvermogen of the dividends from the Goldman Sachs investment funds?
Can I offset the withheld dividend tax in my income tax return?
A number of Dutch NN funds pay out a dividend. This dividend is then reinvested, minus 15% dividend tax. The withheld Dutch dividend tax can be offset against your ‘income tax and national insurance contributions’ assessment from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. We recommend that you contact a tax advisor for more information. Fitvermogen provides you with an annual statement which specifies withheld dividend taxes.
Please be aware that the Tax Administration indicates on their website that it is not possible to offset dividend tax in a (net) annuity. -
Do I receive dividend if I invest in the Goldman Sachs investment funds on Fitvermogen?
Most Dutch Goldman Sachs investment funds in principle distribute dividend annually or quarterly. Luxembourg Goldman Sachs investment funds also distribute dividends. You will need to invest in a dividend distributing fund for this. These are indicated by ‘GS (L)’ followed by the designation ‘N DIS’. The exception to this is the GS Opportunity Obligatie Fonds listed in Luxembourg.
How do I receive the dividend from the Goldman Sachs investment funds that distribute dividend?
Fitvermogen buys ‘new units’ for you to the value of the distributed dividend amount of your investment fund, which you have in your possession on the so-called ‘ex-date’ through your Fitvermogen account. You therefore do not receive an amount of money. The ex-date concerns the date on which the number of units is based, on which dividend will be distributed to you.
What is FitVoorLater and who is it intended for?
With FitVoorLater you can financially prepare for your future. FitVoorLater is an investment solution on online platform FitVermogen.nl (brought to you by Goldman Sachs Asset Management) and offers a straightforward and accessible way of building supplementary pension. With FitVoorLater you invest in award-winning funds and decide how much risk you want to take.
FitVoorLater was created in response to the changing regulations within the pension landscape. We all need to work longer and can now build up less pension via our employers. And the ability to build up pension with a tax exemption has been limited for individuals with higher incomes.With FitVoorLater you have a choice of ‘FitVoorLater – Free Investment’ and/or ‘FitVoorLater – Fiscal Investment’.
FitVoorLater does not offer investment advice. Your fund selections will not be assessed against your financial situation.
Are you an employee or self-employed? You can find our brochure here.
Are you an employer, advisor or consultant? You can find our brochure for employers here.
Does FitVoorLater offer a possibility to benefit from the exemption of 1.2% wealth tax in box 3? What are the tax and legal conditions?
If you opt for ‘FitVoorLater – Fiscal investment’ you can benefit from tax advantages. You must, however, comply with a number of tax and legal conditions:
- Your relevant income exceeds €114.866 (amount 2022).
- The deposit is subject to an upper limit. For more information see ‘How much may I deposit on my ‘FitVoorLater – Fiscal investment’ account?’
- The deposit and the return are blocked until the statutory retirement age is reached. Early withdrawals are subject to a number of terms and conditions.
- You are obliged to convert the accumulated capital into one of three forms of annuity, as stipulated by law. Combinations of different annuities are also possible.
- You must be resident of the Netherlands.
What is the difference between ‘FitVoorLater – Free investment’ and ‘FitVoorLater – Fiscal investment’?
- ‘FitVoorLater – Free investment’ is for everyone who wants to build up a supplementary pension. You determine how much and when you invest and can withdraw assets whenever you please.
- ‘FitVoorLater – Fiscal investment’ is for everyone with a relevant annual income of €114.866 (amount 2022) or higher. The assets in a fiscal Investment accounts are exempt from the 1.2% wealth tax in box 3. The account is, however, subject to a number of tax and legal conditions.
For the conditions click here.
How much may I withdraw prematurely from my ‘FitVoorLater – Fiscal investment’ account? What are the consequences?
By law, you may not prematurely withdraw the net annuity capital. Partial withdrawal is not permitted either. If one of these transactions does occur, the ‘FitvoorLater – Fiscal investment’ account is no longer exempt from investment yield tax. The tax authorities will also take back the benefit you have received during the past years. This reversal will take place at a fixed – approximated – rate. The actual tax benefit received is not important in this respect.
For more information, please refer to the Additional Terms FitVoorLater
I have (almost) reached the statutory retirement age. Until when can I invest in the ‘FitVoorLater – Fiscal investment’ account?
You can invest in the account until December 31st of the year in which you reach the statutory retirement age. This cut-off is determined by law.
I have (almost) reached the statutory retirement age. What is the latest date for converting my capital into an annuity pay-out?
The latest conversion date is December 31st, five years after the year in which you are entitled to a state pension.
I have almost reached the statutory retirement age. What happens to the capital that I have accumulated in my ‘FitVoorLater – Fiscal investment’ account?
You must convert the accumulated capital into an annuity pay-out from an authorised provider no later than on the latest conversion date (December 31st, five years after the year in which you reach the statutory retirement age). For more information on the various annuity pay-out forms, please see the Additional Terms and Conditions.
Why am I not permitted to invest in the account if I live abroad?
By law, taxpayers living abroad are not permitted to benefit from the tax advantages of a net annuity account.
Can I open several FitVoorLater accounts?
Yes, you can open several FitVoorLater accounts.
What happens to my capital when I die?
In case of death, the money ultimately goes to beneficiaries named in the deceased’s will. The money in the account becomes part of the estate and is distributed accordingly to the beneficiaries. If there is no will, the law stipulates what happens to the investment account. For example, if the account holder is married or has a registered partnership, then the spouse/partner and any children are the heirs.
How much may I deposit on my ‘FitVoorLater – Fiscal investment’ account?
Deposits are subject to an upper limit and depend upon:
1. The amount you earned in the preceding calendar year in excess of the income threshold (in 2022 € 114.866);
2. Your age at the end of the calendar year in which you make the deposit;
3. If you participate in a net pension scheme via your employer, this amount has to be deducted from your deposit.
You can only make a deposit if your income in the previous calendar year exceeded the income threshold. Your income in the year in which you make the deposit is irrelevant. The maximum permitted deposit is a percentage of the relevant income in the previous calendar year insofar as this exceeds the income threshold (in 2018 € 114.866). These percentages are as follows:
If you were at least at the end of the calendar yearAge Percentage 2015 Percentage 2016 Percentage 2017 Percentage 2018 Percentage 2019 15 to 19 years old 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 20 to 24 years old 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 25 to 29 years old 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.2 30 to 34 years old 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.7 3.8 35 to 39 years old 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.5 40 to 44 years old 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.4 5.5 45 to 49 years old 6.8 6.8 6.9 6.5 6.6 50 to 54 years old 8.3 8.3 8.3 7.9 7.9 55 to 59 years old 9.9 9.9 10 9.5 9.6 60 to 64 years old 11.9 11.9 12 11.4 11.4 65 years old or older 13.5 13.5 13.6 13.1 13.2
For more information please refer to the FitVoorLater Additional Terms and Conditions -
I plan to move abroad. Does this have consequences for my ‘FitVoorLater – Fiscal investment’ account?
Yes. If you emigrate, you must report it to FitVermogen and your FitVoorLater – Fiscal investment investment account will be blocked from further investment. You may withdraw the value of your account or deposit the assets into a ‘FitVoorLater – Free investment’ account.
I have a FitVoorLater - Fiscal investment account, can I deposit on an annual basis in stead of on a monthly basis?
Yes, that is possible.
Can I transfer value to or from my Fiscal Investment account?
You have accrued capital via a net annuity. If you would like to transfer your accrued capital to (or from) your FitVoorLater Fiscal Investment account from (or to) a different financial institution, please read the explanation on how to do so here (in Dutch).
Is FitVermogen deelnemer aan het Protocol Stroomlijning Kapitaaloverdrachten (PSK)?
Yes, FitVermogen participates in the ‘Protocol Streamlining Capital Transfers’ (PSK). In order to ensure a timely transfer of capital, financial institutions have made agreements with regard to processes which are laid out in the ‘Protocol Streamlining Capital Transfers’ (PSK). This protocol ensures that capital transfers progress as smoothly and accurately as possible and prevent the tax authorities from unjustly levying tax on capital that has been transferred. Goldman Sachs Asset Management has signed this protocol and adheres to the agreements. You can read more about capital transfers and the ‘Protocol Streamlining Capital Transfers’ (PSK) here (in Dutch).
Where can I find the Key Information Document for FitVoorLater – Fiscaal Beleggen?
You can find the Key Information Document here. This document is applicable for all funds available with FitVoorLater – Fiscaal Beleggen and should be read in conjunction with the Key Investor Information Document which is available for every fund. With the Key Information Document you can compare this product with others.
What is FitVoorLater and who is it intended for?
Help with the login
I cannot log in. What can I do?
Please note, if you enter an incorrect combination of username and password three times, your account will be blocked for security reasons. You can unblock your account by sending an email to info@fitvermogen.nl. Do not forget to state your account number in your mail. You can also call Customer Service on (070) 379 19 19.
To be sure that you enter the correct username and password after the account is unblocked, please check that your Caps Lock key is turned off. -
When will I receive my login code?
After you have completed the registration process, you will receive an email from us containing your account number and your username. Upon receipt and verification of your identification payment, your account will be finalised. You will then receive an email from us with a one-time password. The first time you log on to the website you will be prompted to change the password. You can then start investing with FitVermogen.
I receive the message that my login details are blocked. What can I do?
Please note, if you enter an incorrect combination of username and password three times, your ac-count will be blocked for security reasons. You can unblock your account by sending an email to in-fo@fitvermogen.nl. Do not forget to state your account number in your mail. You can also call Cus-tomer Service on (070) 379 19 19.
Your login details may also be blocked because we want to check and complement your details as a result of our Know Your Customer policy, but you have not yet contacted us. In that case, we would like to ask you to call our customer service on (070) 379 19 19 (available from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm).
To be sure that you enter the correct username and password after the account is unblocked, please check that your Caps Lock key is turned off. -
I have lost my username. What can I do?
You can retrieve your username via the FitVermogen.nl website. Follow this link to request your username. Your username will be sent to you by email. You can of course also call FitVermogen Customer Service on (070) 379 19 19.
What should I do if I forget my password?
You can request a new password via the FitVermogen.nl website. Follow this link to request your new password. A temporary password will be sent to you by email. You can of course also call FitVermogen Customer Service on (070) 379 19 19.
Do I have to log out?
For your own safety, it is wise to log out, especially if you leave your computer unattended or share it with several people. You can log out by clicking ‘Logout’ on the top right of the page, after which you return to the FitVermogen homepage.
If you are inactive for 20 minutes within the login area, the system will automatically log you off. To continue you will have to log in again. This is to prevent unauthorised use of your account and your information. -
Why am I automatically logged off?
If you are inactive for 20 minutes within the login area, the system will automatically log you off. To continue you will have to log in again. This is to prevent unauthorised use of your account and your information.
I cannot log in. What can I do?
What does FitVermogen cost?
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u geen kosten voor het openen en aanhouden van een FitVermogen rekening. Banken en online brokers rekenen vaak extra kosten bovenop de kosten van een beleggingsfonds.
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u geen extra kosten, zoals:- Service- of dienstverleningskosten
- Aan- en Verkoopkosten
- Switch order kosten
- Bewaarkosten voor de beleggingsfondsen
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u alleen de kosten van de beleggingsfondsen zelf. Deze kosten gaan in op het moment dat u een fonds koopt en stoppen wanneer u het fonds verkoopt. Van deze kosten ontvangt u geen afrekening, omdat deze worden verrekend in de transactieprijs. Meer informatie over deze kosten vindt u op de fondsdetailpagina’s.
Meerdere onderzoeken van de Consumentenbond wijzen uit dat FitVermogen tot de goedkoopste fondsbeheerders behoort voor alle type fondsbeleggers.
Hoe worden de fondskosten berekend?
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u géén kosten voor de dienstverlening, dus alleen de kosten van het beleggingsfonds waarin u belegt. Per 3 januari 2018 gelden er nieuwe Europese regels voor beleggingsdienstverlening, MiFID II, dat beoogt beleggers meer transparantie te bieden. Hierdoor verandert de manier waarop de kosten dienen te worden berekend en getoond. Binnen de fondsen zelf verandert er overigens niets. De nieuwe berekeningsmethodiek heeft geen invloed op uw netto rendement, immers, deze te verwachten kosten (die afhankelijk zijn van het dagelijks fondsbeheer) werden al in de dagelijkse koers verwerkt, zoals gepubliceerd in het jaarverslag.
De nieuwe Europese regels houden onder meer in dat fondsmanagers sinds 3 januari 2018 transactiekosten binnen het fonds op een andere wijze dienen te berekenen. De transactiekosten zijn de kosten die de fondsmanager maakt bij het dagelijks beheer, om te kunnen acteren op kansen en bedreigingen in de markt. Deze kosten werden al vermeld in het jaarverslag en gedurende het jaar verwerkt in de dagelijkse koers van het fonds. Vanaf 3 januari 2018 dienen deze kosten vanuit de genoemde nieuwe Europese regelgeving tevens explicieter te worden vermeld.
EFAMA, de overkoepelende Europese organisatie voor fund- en assetmanagers, is momenteel in gesprek met de Europese toezichtzichthouder (ESMA) over de methodiek van de kostenberekening. In sommige gevallen leidt de nieuwe methodiek namelijk tot opmerkelijke uitkomsten en biedt daarmee niet het beoogde inzicht voor u als belegger. Wij wachten de uitkomst van deze discussie af en publiceren voorlopig de transactiekosten conform de nieuwe richtlijnen. Dit treft u aan op de detailpagina van uw fonds als voorbeeld en in onderstaande tabel als percentage.
Wij willen graag nogmaals benadrukken dat er binnen de fondsen niets verandert, alleen de berekening van de kosten volgt een andere methodiek. Neemt u bij vragen alstublieft bij voorkeur per mail contact met ons op. Wij zijn van harte bereid de wijziging nader toe te lichten.
Meer weten? Via deze link vindt u een overzicht van de kosten per fonds.
Why did I receive a cost overview for the previous year?
We’d like to be as transparent as possible so you’re aware of how much you pay for what activities. Upfront we’re able to to make a good estimation of costs and afterwards we’re able to calculate the actual borne costs.
Is it correct that the costs for FitVermogen are € 0,00?
Yes, with FitVermogen we aim to make investing as easy and as affordable as possible! Therefore we don’t charge any servicing fees nor do we charge buy or sell costs.
Is there a specific reason why my total cost amount is € 0,00?
If you didn’t have any investment(s) in your account over the year then your total cost amount equals € 0,00. If you would like to close your account, please send us a closing form. However, if you would like to invest (again), please enter your investment order(s) and transfer the buy amount via iDEAL or regular standing transfer.
Do I have to pay the total cost amount as mentioned in the overview?
The mentioned costs related to the fund(s) are already settled in the share price of the fund(s). So there is no need to pay the total amount via a separate transfer.
Why is ‘transaction costs’ mentioned twice in the cost overview?
On the one hand, there are transaction costs charged by the provider/platform. Although several other parties do charge transaction costs, we at FitVermogen don’t. On the other hand, your funds are managed daily by a team of professional portfolio managers. If they adjust the portfolio of the fund, i.e. to cash in on a certain profit or lower specific risk, costs are involved with these transactions. These costs are called ‘fund transaction fees’.
What are ongoing charges?
The ongoing charges of a fund is a combination of the management fee and the fixed service costs of a fund. The ongoing charges, as also mentioned in the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), are deducted over the course of the year.
Why do I have a negative amount for entry and exit costs?
The entry and exit costs are legally defined costs to protect shareholders of a fund from other holders who enter or exit the fund. If your transaction was opposite to the majority of the transactions at a trading day then these entry and exit costs will work to your advantage. Over the course of the year, this can result in an advantage for you in the form of a negative cost amount.
In the overview I read something about the Transfer service, can you please elaborate?
A variety of clients have other investments besides FitVermogen. If they want to enjoy more of the ease of FitVermogen, good returns and low costs, then we’d like to make this transfer as easy as possible. For more information, please see the section ‘Transfer service’ within our FAQs page.
What does FitVermogen cost?
Transferring orders & funds
FitVermogen charges no fees to open an account, but are there any other costs?
Aan het openen van een FitVermogen rekening zijn geen kosten verbonden. Wel zal u gevraagd worden een identificatiestorting te doen van € 1,00. Dit bedrag zal worden teruggestort op uw bankrekening.
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u geen extra kosten, zoals:- Service- of dienstverleningskosten
- Aan- en Verkoopkosten
- Switch order kosten
- Bewaarkosten voor de beleggingsfondsen
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u alleen de kosten van de beleggingsfondsen zelf. Deze kosten gaan in op het moment dat u een fonds koopt en stoppen wanneer u het fonds verkoopt. Van deze kosten ontvangt u geen afrekening, omdat deze worden verrekend in de transactieprijs. Meer informatie over deze kosten vindt u op de fondsdetailpagina’s.
With which amount can I invest in a fund?
You can invest with an amount of at least € 25,00 in an investment fund which is offered by FitVermogen.
Can I make orders by telephone?
No, you can only transmit orders online.
Do I need to transfer money before I buy a fund?
No, you should not transfer money before you place an order. If you wish to buy a fund, you can pay using iDEAL after you place your buy order.
How do I transfer funds on my FitVermogen account from a foreign account?
You cannot transfer funds from a foreign bank account. You can only transfer funds through a Dutch account that is known to FitVermogen.
I cannot place an order with iDEAL. What can I do?
If you cannot transfer funds via iDEAL, you can also transfer funds by means of a normal bank transfer or with internet banking.
Please note that your transfer must meet the following criteria
: • The amount must derive from your designated bank account;
• You can transfer the amount to our account NL71INGB0650987179 in the name of GSAM Beleggersgiro B.V.;
• Specify your FitVermogen account number under ‘description’ or ‘payment reference’. -
What should I do if the order amount exceeds the iDEAL limit?
The amount of the iDEAL limit varies from bank to bank. You can ask your bank if you are not sure about your bank’s iDEAL limit.
If your order amount exceeds your bank’s iDEAL limit, you can transfer funds to FitVermogen by means of a normal bank transfer. Please note that your transfer must meet the following criteria:
• The deposited amount must correspond with the (net) order amount;
• The amount must derive from your designated bank account (the bank account number is known to us); you can find this under ‘My details’);
• You can transfer the amount to our account number NL71INGB0650987179 in the name of GSAM Beleggersgiro B.V.;
• Under ‘description’ or ‘payment reference’ enter your FitVermogen account number (you can find your account number above). -
Can I make a limit order?
No, you cannot make a limit order.
What does the order fulfilment process for buy orders, sell orders and switch orders look like?
For the Dutch NN funds listed on Euronext, this works as follows:
An order placed before 13:15 p.m. on a trading day will be executed at the price published on Euronext on the following trading day, in principle at 10:00 a.m. The confirmation of this order therefore takes place on the day after the order was executed.
For the Luxembourg NN funds, the name of which can be recognised by ‘GS (L)’, this works as follows:
An order placed before 13:15 p.m. on a trading day will be performed for you at the price of the same trading day. The confirmation of this order however takes place on the day after the order was executed.
In addition:
An order is placed as soon as you have confirmed it and the order number is displayed in your portfolio’s order summary. An additional condition in the case of buy orders is that the order amount must actually be received by us at the specified time. -
What is the order fulfilment process for orders given during a holiday?
Gedurende het jaar hebben de beurzen met feestdagen gewijzigde openingstijden. Hieronder treft u in het overzicht voor dit jaar aan wanneer de beurzen gesloten zijn. Dit overzicht geeft ook aan op welke dagen FitVermogen gesloten is. Orders die op de dag voorafgaand aan een feestdag na 13:15 uur zijn ingelegd en/of orders die op die dag worden ingelegd, worden op de eerstvolgende werkdag in behandeling genomen.
Datum / Date Feestdag / Holiday Euronext (NL) Luxembourg Stock
Exchange (LUX)Fitvermogen
Maandag / Monday 01-01-2024 Nieuwjaarsdag / New Year’s Day X X X Vrijdag / Friday 29-03-2024 Goede Vrijdag / Good Friday X X Maandag / Monday 01-04-2024 2e Paasdag / Easter Monday X X X Woensdag / Wednesday 01-05-2024 Dag van de Arbeid / Labourday X X Donderdag / Thursday 09-05-2024 Hemelvaartsdag / Ascension Day X Maandag / Monday 20-05-2024 2e Pinksterdag / Whit Monday X Dinsdag / Tuesday 24-12-2024 Kerstavond / Christmas Eve o o o Woensdag / Wednesday 25-12-2024 1e Kerstdag / Christmas Day X X X Donderdag / Thursday 26-12-2024 2e Kerstdag / Boxing Day X X X Dinsdag / Tuesday 31-12-2024 Oudjaar / New Year's Eve o o o Woensdag / Wednesday 01-01-2025 Nieuwjaarsdag / New Years day X X X -
My order was cancelled. Why is that?
Orders are valid for four calendar days. If we have not received the required amount from you within this period (via iDEAL and/or transfer), the order will be cancelled.
If you cannot transfer the money via iDEAL, you can also transfer the money with a regular transfer or via internet banking. Do this as soon as possible after placing your order. -
At which price are orders executed?
When the order amount is received by us, the order will be executed at the price of the next business day.
Where can I find the status of my order?
You can find the status of your order in the order overview.
Where are the revenues transferred to?
When you sell funds, the revenues are being transferred to your bank account.
Where do I find the overview of the executed orders?
You can find the overview of the executed orders in the transaction overview.
Can I reinstate an order?
No, it is not possible to reinstate an order. It is of course possible to place the order again.
What is an ISIN code?
ISIN stands for International Securities Identification Number. This is a code that uniquely identifies a tradable financial asset (securities) worldwide.
Why are my sales proceeds not used for my purchase order?
The sale proceeds from your purchase order will be credited to your bank account. You do not have a cash balance on your FitVermogen account. With FitVermogen, purchase orders are only effected with an iDEAL or normal transfer.
How do I place an order?
To place an order, please follow the next steps.
• You select the fund and click the ‘Buy’-button;
• You indicate the amount which you wish to invest;
• You click ‘Check’;
• You pay using iDEAL. Your order will be executed as soon as we receive the money;
• You can review the status of your order in your portfolio overview. -
Why has the money on my FitVermogen account been transferred back to my bank account?
It is not possible to keep money in your FitVermogen account, because your FitVermogen account is not a bank account. Deposited amounts which are not invested within 5 days in an investment fund, will be transferred back automatically to your bank account at the end of this period. If you wish to buy a fund, you can use iDEAL to make the payment.
When making your payment with iDEAL, make sure it is done from the bank account registered at FitVermogen. Under My Data, Bank details, you can find the account number registered with FitVermogen. Payments made from a bank account unknown to us, are refunded on the day of receipt. -
Can I buy several funds at once or pay for an investment in multiple funds at once?
At this time you need to pay for each investment in a fund. With iDEAL you can buy one fund at a time. After you place you order, you pay using iDEAL. After that, you can repeat the process to buy another fund.
With FitVermogen can I also invest a monthly amount that is automatically used to purchase a fund (regular investment)?
Yes, you can invest monthly in a particular fund. You place a one-off order specifying the fund you wish to invest in. In addition, you must instruct your bank to transfer the desired amount to us each month. The minimum investment amount is € 25.00 per month.
If you wish you can change the investment amount and/or the execution date in your Transaction Summary. You can also cancel the order in the Transactions - Monthly investments at any time.
If you wish to invest monthly, don’t forget to instruct your bank to transfer the desired amount to your FitVermogen account each month (by means of an internet banking standing order). Please note that your standing order must meet the following criteria:
• The payment derives from the bank account you specified with FitVermogen. You can find this under My data;
• The order amount corresponds with the amount stated in your Transactions - Monthly investments;
• The amount is transferred to our account NL71INGB0650987179 in the name of GSAM Beleggersgiro B.V.;
• Specify your FitVermogen account number under ‘description’ or ‘payment reference’;
• Indicate that it is a monthly payment;
• The commencement date corresponds with the commencement date of your monthly investment, as stated in your Transactions - Monthly investments. -
Is it possible to place an order to invest regularly in several funds?
Yes, that is possible. For each fund the minimum investment amount of € 25.00 per month applies.
FitVermogen charges no fees to open an account, but are there any other costs?
About FitVermogen
What is FitVermogen and who is it intended for?
FitVermogen is an ‘execution only’ platform for Goldman Sachs investment funds. That means you can invest ‘online’ with FitVermogen without investment advice. However, FitVermogen does provide information that can help in making your investment choices. FitVermogen is in principle intended for everyone in the Netherlands over the age of 18 years who wants to accrue capital via Goldman Sachs investment funds in order to realise their specific goals.
Why invest via FitVermogen?
Financial uncertainty and withdrawal on the part of government makes it more important than ever to accrue capital for matters such as supplementary pension, education and healthcare costs. Investment can be a means of accruing capital for these kinds of goals, which often lie far in the future. Consumers increasingly assume a do-it-yourself mentality, with the internet playing an important role in this respect.
As the largest asset manager in the Netherlands, Goldman Sachs Asset Management aims to be at the forefront of these developments. Using this simple and modern platform, people can work inexpensively towards their financial goals under their own steam. In addition, the selection of NN funds available with FitVermogen is much wider than those available from an intermediary.Meerdere onderzoeken van de Consumentenbond wijzen uit dat FitVermogen tot de goedkoopste fondsbeheerders behoort voor alle type fondsbeleggers.
In which investment categories can you invest with FitVermogen?
You can invest in NN funds, which invest in the following categories::
• Shares;
• Bonds;
• Real estate. -
What are the costs of FitVermogen?
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u geen kosten voor het openen en aanhouden van een FitVermogen rekening. Banken en online brokers rekenen vaak extra kosten bovenop de kosten van een beleggingsfonds.
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u geen extra kosten, zoals:- Service- of dienstverleningskosten
- Aan- en Verkoopkosten
- Switch order kosten
- Bewaarkosten voor de beleggingsfondsen
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u alleen de kosten van de beleggingsfondsen zelf. Deze kosten gaan in op het moment dat u een fonds koopt en stoppen wanneer u het fonds verkoopt. Van deze kosten ontvangt u geen afrekening, omdat deze worden verrekend in de transactieprijs. Meer informatie over deze kosten vindt u op de fondsdetailpagina’s.
Meerdere onderzoeken van de Consumentenbond wijzen uit dat FitVermogen tot de goedkoopste fondsbeheerders behoort voor alle type fondsbeleggers.
Why does FitVermogen not provide financial advice?
FitVermogen.nl is an ‘execution only’ platform. ‘Execution only’ means investing without advice. We do not provide any advice about the funds offered. However, we do provide fund information that can help in making your choices.
Which organisation is behind FitVermogen?
FitVermogen wordt aangeboden door Goldman Sachs Asset Management en is onderdeel van Goldman Sachs Asset management. Goldman Sachs Asset management is een beursgenoteerde vennootschap.
Onze sterke punten
• Lange beleggingshistorie sinds 1845
• Wereldwijd bereik met een lokale focus
• Breed assortiment klantgerichte beleggingsoplossingen, -strategieën en -adviesdiensten
• Actief beheer met het oog op aantrekkelijke beleggingsrendementen
• Sterk risicobeheer om klanten te beschermen. -
With FitVermogen can I also invest a monthly amount that is automatically used to purchase a fund (regular investment)?
Yes, you can invest monthly in a particular fund. You place a one-off order specifying the fund you wish to invest in. In addition, you must instruct your bank to transfer the desired amount to us each month. The minimum investment amount is € 25.00 per month.
If you wish you can change the investment amount and/or the execution date in your Transaction Summary. You can also cancel the order in the Transactions - Monthly investments at any time.
If you wish to invest monthly, don’t forget to instruct your bank to transfer the desired amount to your FitVermogen account each month (by means of an internet banking standing order). Please note that your standing order must meet the following criteria:
• The payment derives from the bank account you specified with FitVermogen. You can find this under My data;
• The order amount corresponds with the amount stated in your Transactions - Monthly investments;
• The amount is transferred to our account NL71INGB0650987179 in the name of GSAM Beleggersgiro B.V.;
• Specify your FitVermogen account number under ‘description’ or ‘payment reference’;
• Indicate that it is a monthly payment;
• The commencement date corresponds with the commencement date of your monthly investment, as stated in your Transactions - Monthly investments. -
Is it possible to place an order to invest regularly in several funds?
Yes, that is possible. For each fund the minimum investment amount of € 25.00 per month applies.
General and Additional Terms and Conditions for FitVermogen
The General Terms and Conditions of FitVermogen or the Additional Terms and Conditions of FitVoorLater – Fiscal Investment contain the official texts or regulations. In addition, you can find a brief summary of various topics in the questions and answers.
In the event of a difference in interpretation between the questions and answers on the one hand and the General or Additional Terms and Conditions on the other, the description in the General or Additional Terms and Conditions takes precedence. -
Does FitVermogen provide an annual statement?
FitVermogen provides you with an annual statement for tax purposes. You can receive the annual statement at the end of February.
How does FitVermogen calculate return?
FitVermogen calculates returns using two methods. Total portfolio return is measured by calculating the "money-weighted" return. This methodology expresses the return in euros at the end of a given period as a percentage of the initial investment. The investment at the beginning of the period is adjusted for the interim deposits and withdrawals, while taking into account the amount of time that the money was in the portfolio. Example: Suppose the value of your portfolio at the end of a period (for example, a month of 31 days) is € 1275. Your initial investment was € 750. On the 20th day an additional € 500 was deposited. Your proceeds are € 1275 - € 750 - € 500 = € 25. The additional deposit of € 500 was in the portfolio for only (31-20) = 11 days. The formula used to express the yield as a percentage is: 25 / (750 + 11/31 * 500) = 2.70%
Fund performance is measured by calculating the time-weighted return. This methodology calculates returns irrespective of deposits or withdrawals to the original amount and allows investors to compare multiple funds. Example: Suppose the value of your portfolio at the end of a given period (for example, a month of 31 days) is € 1275. Your initial investment was € 750. On the 20th day an additional € 500 was deposited. We also know that the value of the portfolio was € 800 on the 20th day, just before the deposit was made. The time-weighted return is then calculated using two sub-periods: initial investment until deposit, and deposit until the end of the period. First period: 800 / 750-1 = 6.67%. Second period: 1275 / (800 + 500) -1 = -1.92%. The cumulative return over the 31-day period is: (1 + 6.67%) * (1 + -1.92%) - 1 = 4.62%
What is the FitVermogen Know-your-customer policy?
The government expects financial institutions to help fight fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing. In addition, there is an obligation from the government on the basis of legislation and regulations on financial institutions to verify and record the identity and personal data of all our customers. The relevant legislation is Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terro-risme (Wwft). FitVermogen has a so-called gatekeeper function in the fight against financial crime. In order to properly fulfill this function, we need additional information from our customers.
What will I, as a customer, notice from the Know-Your-Customer policy?
New customers
In order to be able to open your account as quickly as possible, we need two things from you. On the one hand, this concerns a number of additional questions about your financial situation and the expected use of your FitVermogen account. On the other hand, we need access to your ID (passport or identity card, not a driver's license) and the data on it, in order to be able to verify your identity. We can easily arrange this for you via a video call.
Existing customers
All customers will be contacted periodically to check and/or supplement their data. In this way we ensure that your customer file is complete and correct so that you can continue to use your ac-count.
Video call
You will receive a request from us via email to make an appointment with one of our employees to schedule a video call to go through the necessary information with you. You can contact our cus-tomer service to schedule an appointment, via 070 – 379 19 19 (available from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm).
What is FitVermogen and who is it intended for?
Transfer service
What service does FitVermogen provide for switching from my current bank?
Our Transfer service lets you move easily from your current bank or investment institution to FitVermogen. We cover the costs you incur, up to an amount equal to 0.5% of the funds transferred, with a maximum reimbursement of € 5,000.
What are my two options for switching to FitVermogen?
You can choose from the following two options, depending on your preferences and/or your current investment situation:
1. Transfer cash: You can sell your current holdings and transfer the proceeds to us. We will reimburse the transaction costs related to the sales.* Once you have a FitVermogen account, you can purchase shares of NN funds free of transaction charges. At FitVermogen, you pay only annual fees for the funds you select.
2. Transfer NN funds:You can transfer your holdings in NN funds at your current bank to your FitVermogen account using the transfer form. We will compensate you for the costs of the transfer.*Download form FitVermogen Overstapservice
* We reimburse your costs up to an amount equal to 0.5% of the funds transferred, with a maximum reimbursement of € 5,000. -
Does FitVermogen reimburse costs I incur at my current bank for transferring cash to FitVermogen?
Yes. If you sell your current investments (investment fund shares or other securities) and use the proceeds to buy shares of NN funds via FitVermogen, we reimburse the sales costs and charge no fees for the purchases.
Does FitVermogen reimburse costs I incur at my current bank for transferring shares of NN funds to FitVermogen?
Yes. If you transfer your shares of NN funds to a FitVermogen account, we reimburse the costs of the transfer.
What amount of my costs will FitVermogen reimburse?
We reimburse costs up to an amount equal to 0.5% of the funds transferred, with a maximum reimbursement of € 5,000.
Example: You transfer € 50,000 in cash or securities to a FitVermogen account. We will reimburse up to 0.5% of that amount, or € 250, in costs charged by your current bank. -
How can I switch to FitVermogen now?
You can switch to FitVermogen in one of two ways, depending on your preferences and/or your current investment situation:
1. Transfer cash: You can sell your current holdings and transfer the proceeds to us. We will reimburse the transaction costs related to the sales.* Once you have a FitVermogen account, you can purchase shares of NN funds free of transaction charges. At FitVermogen, you pay only annual fees for the funds you select.
2. Transfer NN funds:You can transfer your holdings in NN funds at your current bank to your FitVermogen account using the transfer form. We will compensate you for the costs of the transfer.*Download form FitVermogen transfer funds
* We reimburse your costs up to an amount equal to 0.5% of the funds transferred, with a maximum reimbursement of € 5,000. -
What bank account number should I use for transferring cash to FitVermogen?
Transfer the money to account number NL71INGB0650987179 in the name of GSAM Beleggersgiro BV. Include your FitVermogen account number in the transaction description.
Note: After making the transfer, you must place a purchase order with FitVermogen. As an investment institution rather than a bank, we are not allowed to maintain savings balances. -
How can I submit my bills for reimbursement?
You can send records of the costs charged by your current bank by email to info@fitvermogen.nl, using “Overstapservice” as the subject and including your FitVermogen account number.
Or you can send your bill by post to: FitVermogen, Locatiecode HP G.03.10, Antwoordnummer 21, 2509 VB Den Haag (no stamp needed). -
Do you have any additional information concerning the transfer of funds?
You can only transfer NN funds which are held on an account with a Dutch bank. And which are available at FitVermogen.nl. Between Dutch banks only entire participations of investment funds can be transferred.
During the transfer it is not possible to sell your funds. The length of the entire transfer process is not exactly known upfront as we are also dependent on the transferring party. On average it takes about ten working days. -
How can I get more information about switching to FitVermogen?
For more information, please call 070 – 379 19 19. From Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 and 17:00. Or you can send us an email at info@fitvermogen.nl.
Can I switch from FitVermogen to another investment institution?
We like to retain you as a customer, however if you want to switch from FitVermogen to another investment institution, you can do so at no cost. FitVermogen charges no transaction fees, so you can sell your shares free of charge on any work day. The proceeds of the sale will be immediately transferred free of charge.
What service does FitVermogen provide for switching from my current bank?
Monthly investing
What is monthly investing?
Monthly investing is depositing a fixed amount each month into your FitVermogen investment account and investing in the fund (s) of your choice. You only need to set this up once and the deposits will be automatically made monthly.
How can you set up monthly investing with FitVermogen?
You can arrange this in two simple steps:
- When purchasing your favorite fund (s), tick the "Monthly" check box.
- Set up a periodic payment for the same amount to your FitVermogen investment account in your personal internet banking environment. You will transfer the money to GSAM’s central account number: NL71INGB0650987179. Indicate GSAM Investor Giro B.V. as payee and enter your FitVermogen account number under description.
What are the benefits of monthly investing?
- Convenience: you only have to set this up once
- No need to worry about moment of entry: the exact moment of entry is not important because you automatically purchase fewer shares or bonds if prices have risen and more shares if prices have fallen. In this way you are averaging your purchase price.
- Start small: you can begin investing without having to invest a large amount at one time.
There are no extra costs for monthly investing.
With FitVermogen you only pay the total costs of the investment fund. These costs have already been included in the fund’s price. You can find more information about these costs on the fund detail pages.
What is monthly investing?
Privacy personal data
Whose personal data do we process?
We may process personal data of all persons with whom we have contact or who use our services via the FitVermogen website. Further information can be found in the Privacy Statement.
Which personal data is used, and what for?
FitVermogen collects, in any case, the following personal data: name, gender, date and place of birth, address, place of residence, email address, telephone number, Social Security Number and bank account number. Further information can be found in the privacy statement.
We ask you for personal data that we need to carry out the agreement, to fulfil statutory obligations and to perform suitable marketing activities. Should you no longer wish to receive these offers, you can opt out of them at all times.Further information can be found in the Privacy Statement.
From whom do we obtain your personal data?
We obtain most of your personal data from you yourself. In the case of a collective agreement, we also obtain personal data via your employer or a similar organisation. Further information can be found in the Privacy Statement.
With whom may we share your personal data, and why?
We provide your personal data only if that is necessary in order to carry out the agreement or if it is required by law to provide your data.
FitVermogen processes personal data for marketing purposes as well. Advertising addressed to you personally is only sent if it concerns a service of the same kind for which you entered into the agreement or if you have provided your consent to do so. This consent can always be withdrawn as well. Further information can be found in the privacy statement.
We provide your personal data – only if we have one of the reasons mentioned above – to the following parties: our staff, as far as they need this data for their work; companies to whom we outsource activities; your employer or a similar organisation, in the case of a collective agreement; public services, such as supervisory authorities or the police, if we are required by law to do so. Further information can be found in the Privacy Statement.
How long does FitVermogen keep your personal data?
If you do not become a customer, FitVermogen keeps your data for a maximum period of 180 days. Once you become a customer of ours, we keep your personal data as long as necessary during the contract. After termination of the contract, the personal data is still kept for a period of seven years on the basis of statutory obligations. Further information can be found in the privacy statement.
Information about keeping personal data from telephone calls and emails can be found in the Privacy Statement.
What are my rights regarding personal data?
You may request access to the personal data that FitVermogen processes about you. You may also object to the processing of your personal data. Further information can be found in the privacy statement.
You are entitled to have your personal data changed if it is not correct and to have your personal data deleted if your personal data is unlawfully processed. There are certain cases in which we are unable to comply with your request. Further information can be found in the Privacy Statement.
Where can I send questions or complaints?
- You can contact us via info@fitvermogen.nl. We will then work with you to find a suitable solution.
- You can also contact our data protection officer via dpo@nnip.com.
- You are also entitled to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
- You can contact us via info@fitvermogen.nl. We will then work with you to find a suitable solution.
Does FitVermogen have personal data processed outside the EU?
The personal data of customers of FitVermogen is not processed outside the EU at present.
Due to the increase of cloud services, there is a chance that some personal data may be processed at any moment outside the EU. If such is the case, FitVermogen ensures that the same protection applies to this data as also applicable in the EU.
Does FitVermogen have a procedure for reporting data breaches?
Yes. On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), all data breaches must be reported to the Dutch Data Protection Authority, unless it is unlikely that the data breach will result in a risk for the rights and freedoms of the data subject.
Under the GDPR, FitVermogen has it own independent obligation to communicate to you a possible data breach, without undue delay, where it has been established that you run a high risk as a result.
Has FitVermogen appointed a data protection officer?
Yes, GSAM, the fund manager for FitVermogen, has appointed a data protection officer. You can reach our data protection officer (DPO) via dpo@nnip.com.
Hoe kan ik mijn cookie instellingen voor de FitVermogen website aanpassen?
FitVermogen maakt gebruik van functionele en niet-functionele cookies. Een toelichting van deze begrippen vindt u in het Privacy Statement. Als u de eerste keer onze website bezoekt, vragen wij uw toestemming om cookies te plaatsen.
U kunt uw cookie-instellingen te allen tijde wijzigen via de link die in ons Privacy Statement is opgenomen of wijzig hier uw cookie instellingen.
Whose personal data do we process?
Opening an account
Can I open a FitVermogen account with a joint bank account?
Yes, it is possible to match a joint bank account to your FitVermogen account, but only if you also have a joint investment account with FitVermogen. If you want to open a FitVermogen investment account in one name, you cannot match a joint bank account. In that case the linked bank account must be in one name.
Which conditions apply if I want to open a FitVermogen account?
FitVermogen is for everyone in the Netherlands who wants to accrue capital to realise specific goals.
To open an account with FitVermogen you must meet the following conditions:
• You are older than 18 years;
• You have a Dutch current account;
• You were not born, or are a resident or taxpayer, in the U.S.;
• You comply with the General terms and conditions of FitVermogen;
• You have a Dutch social security number (Burgerservicenummer / BSN)
At the moment, it is not yet possible to open an account for your business or for a minor. -
What does FitVermogen cost?
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u geen kosten voor het openen en aanhouden van een FitVermogen rekening. Bij FitVermogen betaalt u alléén de totale kosten van het beleggingsfonds. Deze kosten zijn al verwerkt in de koers. Meer informatie over deze kosten vindt u op de fondsdetailpagina’s.
Bij FitVermogen betaalt u geen extra kosten, zoals:
- Service- of dienstverleningskosten
- Aan- en Verkoopkosten
- Switch order kosten
- Bewaarkosten voor de beleggingsfondsen
What amount is required to open a FitVermogen account?
There are no costs associated with the opening of a FitVermogen account. However, you are asked to make a € 1.00 identification deposit. This amount will be repaid to your bank account.
With which amount can I invest in a fund?
You can invest with an amount of at least € 25,00 in an investment fund which is offered by FitVermogen.
How can I become a customer?
You want to accrue capital with FitVermogen in order to achieve your financial targets. This is easily accomplished in four steps under ‘Opening an account’.
• Step 1: You enter your personal details;
• Step 2: You enter your address and bank details;
• Step 3: You confirm the information you entered;
• Step 4: You make a deposit of at least € 1.00.
• Step 5: You schedule a video call with one of our employees to verify your identity and additional questions about your financial situation.
By depositing € 1.00 from your bank account, we verify that you are the account holder of the specified bank account number. We do this by comparing the name of your bank account with the information you have provided in the application. It is therefore important that your details (initials, surname and bank account number) are identical to the details on your bank card. After the video call, the amount will be refunded to your bank account.
After step four you will receive an e-mail from us containing your account number and your username. After the video call (step five) has taken place successfully, your account will be finalized. You will then receive an email from us with a one-time password. When you log into the website for the first time, you will be asked to change the password. You can then start investing with FitVermogen.
Please note!
To open a FitVermogen account, a number of conditions apply:
• You are older than 18 years;
• You have a Dutch current account;
• You were not born, or are a resident or taxpayer, in the U.S.;
• You comply with the General terms and conditions of FitVermogen;
• You have a Dutch social security number (Burgerservicenummer / BSN)
At the moment, it is not possible to open an account for your business or for a minor. -
What do I need if I want to open an account?
It is useful to have the following information at hand:
• Your BSN (Burger Service Nummer – Citizen Service Number), you can find this on your passport, identity card or driving licence
• Your bank account number (IBAN), you can find this on your debit card or a bank statement. Please make sure you data (initials, last name and bank account number) are identical to the data on your bank card. -
Why am I being asked to provide a foreign identification number (TIN)?
According to new regulation, all financial institutions must identify and report in which country their clients are fiscal residents. If you are a fiscal resident of a country other than the Netherlands, we must collect your “Tax Identification Number”(TIN) / foreign identification number. This information will then be passed on to local tax authorities.
What is my foreign identification number (TIN)?
This varies per country. In the Netherlands for example, we use the BSN (Burgerservicenummer) as the Tax Identification Number. If you are unsure what your TIN is, please have a look here: http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers and select the country of which you are a fiscal resident. Please bear in mind that some countries have more than one number that is accepted as a foreign identification number (TIN).
Why do I have to make an identification deposit?
By depositing € 1.00 from your bank account, we verify that you are the account holder of the specified bank account number. We do this by comparing the name of your bank account with the information you have provided in the application. It is therefore important that your details (initials, surname and bank account number) are identical to the details on your bank card. After the video call, the amount will be refunded to your bank account.
How do I make an identification deposit?
When opening an account you can make this deposit with iDEAL. If you cannot use iDEAL, you can also transfer the € 1,00 by means of a normal bank transfer or with internet banking.
Please note that your transfer must meet the following criteria:
• The minimum deposit is € 1.00;
• The amount derives from your designated bank account and the data provided (initials, last name and bank account number) are identical to the data on your bank card;
• You transfer the amount to our account NL71INGB0650987179 in the name of GSAM Beleggersgiro B.V.;
• Specify your FitVermogen account number under ‘description’. -
Can I manage several accounts at the same time?
With FitVermogen, you can create different ‘investment accounts’ for different investment objectives.
If you already have a FitVermogen account, you can open a new ‘investment account’ (after logging in). -
Can I open an account for a minor?
Currently, you cannot open an account for a minor.
Can I open a business account?
No, with FitVermogen you can unfortunately only open a personal account.
Can I open an account for an investment study club?
No, with FitVermogen you can only open a personal account.
Can I open a joint account?
Both new and existing clients can open a joint account with FitVermogen.
New clients can opt for a joint account while opening a new FitVermogen account
Existing FitVermogen clients can add a co-owner to their account via the button ‘’Add extra Ac-count’’. You can find this button in the lower left corner after log-in. This is only possible if the new co-owner is not an existing FitVermogen client already. As an existing FitVermogen client you can also open a new joint account with FitVermogen. This is only possible if your co-owner is not already a FitVermogen client.
Important! As soon as you open a joint ('and/or') account with FitVermogen, you must also have a joint bank account that must be matched to the FitVermogen account. It is not possible to match a single bank account (in one name) to a joint FitVermogen account. -
Can I close my FitVermogen account at any time?
You can close your FitVermogen account at any time by sending the signed form Beëindigen rekening, including a copy of your ID, to FitVermogen, Antwoordnummer 21, 2509 VB The Hague.
Please note!
• Make sure your all participations on your FitVermogen-account are sold when you wish to close your account. Do this before you send us the form.
• Do not forget to send a copy of your ID along with the form. -
My € 1,00 deposit has been refunded. Is that correct?
The € 1.00 will be refunded to your bank account on the day of completion of the identification.
It is possible that your deposit will be refunded earlier. The reason for this may be that the data you have entered (initials, surname and bank account number) do not match the details of your bank account. Please check your details and try to make the deposit.
Which countries are regarded as Ultra High Risk Country (UHRC) by an international organisation or FitVermogen?
The countries of Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria are regarded as UHRC.
Can I open a FitVermogen account with a joint bank account?
Asset segregation
What is asset segregation?
Asset segregation means that the investments and/or funds of customers are separate from the equity of FitVermogen. This is especially important should FitVermogen be declared bankrupt. By means of asset segregation, investments and/or funds of customers do not form part of the bankrupt estate of the investment firm. This means that you still have access to your investments and funds should FitVermogen be declared bankrupt.
Who verifies whether FitVermogen complies with the asset segregation rules?
The AFM (Autoriteit Financiële Markten – Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets) regularly checks whether FitVermogen meets the rules on asset segregation.
I have other questions
You can read more about segregated assets on the website of the AFM (Autoriteit Financiële Markten – Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets)
What is asset segregation?